Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bracelet Winner!

I have randomly selected the first and second place winners of my Giveaway: congratulations Liz and Cean!! I've emailed the winners and hope to hear from them soon regarding mailing addresses. I intend to have a new giveaway (sponsored, wooo!!) up shortly for you all.

I was disappointed by the number (20+) of people who couldn't be bothered to follow the rules. I didn't think they were that complicated or egregious, but apparently there was an issue. Hopefully next time people won't be disqualifying themselves right and left!


  1. Hey, this is Liz, I replied to your email but I'm not sure if you have received it or not because my hotmail has been malfunctioning lately so I thought I'd post here :). If there's any issues with international entries I understand perfectly because I probably should've asked who it was open to before I entered! All the best,
    Liz x

  2. No worries, I definitely got it and will be mailing out your prize this week!

  3. Thanks, that's awesome! Congratulations to the other winner as well!
