Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sustainable Futures

I recently went back to Idaho to visit friends and family, and my dad showed me this store/program called Sustainable Futures that really blew me away.

Sustainable Futures sells glasses, candles, vases and more made from reclaimed bottles. Restaurants, bars and individuals donate glass bottles from wine, spirits and whatever else to be used in Sustainable Futures's products. Sustainability at its best! Taking trash and making it into beautiful, functional things!!

I think the coolest part about Sustainable Futures is the futures part. Their employees are all women who would otherwise be mostly unemployable, including recent releases from prison, refugees and at-risk youth. These women are given an awesome job making glass products and even receive career training that they can use to find a better job elsewhere! The training includes life skills, career help, language skills, and a whole array of programs that would be incredibly valuable to these women. The owner, Carlyn Blake, indicated that Sustainable Futures has a 80% success rate in terms of its employees staying out of prison permanently. That's so awesome!!

I bought a matching set of three soy candles from the Sustainable Futures store while I was in Boise. They smell wonderful and look amazing. I couldn't be happier to support such a winning organization, where every part of the supply chain has such striking positive externalities!

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